Two new drop sites have been added to our route this season. One is the Rothchild Early Childhood Center in Syracuse, and the other is Willow Wellness Center in Baldwinsville. A huge thank you from the farmers to both these businesses for inviting us to distribute shares from their place of business.
The sign up process for folks interested in the Cornell study I wrote about in the previous entry has started. There still are some shares available through this program, so if you're interested and live in the Watertown area, please contact Leah Connor at [email protected] or phone: 607-255-7342. Folks outside the study area can still pay via a payment plan with SNAP. We do not yet have our food stamp card reader, so this will be limited to our farmer's market pick up sites and will utilize the SNAP coins for weekly payments with a 1 month down payment in cash, check, or paypal transaction. Currently USDA regulations prohibit prepayment for goods with SNAP beyond 2 weeks, so that is why we are structuring payment plans like this.
One of our long time friend and partner in farming, Dave Coppedge has started his own side venture, and will be pasture raising hogs, and meat chickens, as well as other specialty meat, such as duck, goat, and turkeys. The animals will be raised on certified organic pasture with an all natural medication free feed. If you are interested in more details, or pricing; please call Dave at 315-243-0200.
We've also been back at the CNY Regional Market weekly. We don't have a permanent spot right now, so check our Facebook page on Fridays to find out where we'll be. Starting the first week of May we'll be back outside of Shed E. The late snow is melting and we hope it's the very last of the season so we can start planting in the fields for you!