We're just sending out a welcome note all our members; you will receive another email in the next couple days with your pickup info (times details etc)
We've been busy getting all our plants in the ground and are excited to be harvesting some crops for our farmers markets, but even more excited to harvest for YOU, our supportive members starting next week!
We started a new market at the Cicero Library yesterday, and though it was hot, we sold lots of greens and all the radishes! I look forward to seeing that market grow- it was a great turnout for the first day of a new market. Oswego Farmer's market starts tomorrow, and we're at Regional Market in Syracuse every Saturday (outside under the overhang of shed E on the north end)
A few changes from last year about the newsletter. I thought it would simplify things to do it on the blog, but found many folks didn't see it. So we'll be sending weekly emails with pertinent info, the week's harvest, and some recipe ideas, as well as sharing this info on our facebook page, while keeping the photos and longer stories for the blog. Keeping it simple and short seemed preferable for our members last year, and hope this works this year. I plan to schedule my newsletter writing for Wednesdays so you know what to expect in your share the next day. Also, please refer to our "Crops we Grow" section of the website, most of the produce we grow is featured there; in order to familiarize yourself with some of the food, and get some recipe ideas.
The first shares start going out next week, Thursday June 4th for most drop sites, and Saturday June 6th for Regional market members. We do ask that if you have not made a payment, or contacted us to make arrangements; that you do so soon; if there is still a full balance due by Wednesday the 3rd, we will not be harvesting for that share.
Also a reminder that you can schedule vacation holds by logging into your account if you know you'll be away on vacation.
Picking up your share: Please come prepared with a reusable bag, cooler or basket to pick your share up, and leave your grey tote at the drop site. Those things are not cheap and we need them all kept in rotation to keep sending your shares! Also, we ask that even if there is an item in your share you don't want, please take it home, or offer it to another member or friend, we do not like picking up totes the next week with rotten produce inside, and our drop site hosts do not like it either. Also any CLEAN used egg cartons will gladly be reused, and can be left with the grey totes at your drop site as well.
You can also order through Grindstone Farm any extra produce, or through their Wholeshare group to be delivered with your share. In order to not incur delivery fees from them, you must select Freedom Rains Farm as your drop site. This deal only works for the duration of the CSA; any off season purchases through them you'll have to switch your drop site and pay their delivery fee. We will add products to our website (sign in to your account and go to the shop option on the left) when they are available en-masse; such as beans, pickling cucumbers, garlic, tomatoes etc, for home processing, and will let members know via email when these items become available, as well as u pick crops, like our tomatoes when they start ripening and become more than we need or can harvest.
Notes from the farm: We have so many transplants in the ground and are looking forward to a bountiful varied harvest. Most of our leased fields over at Grindstone are completely filled right now with peppers, tons of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini patty pan squash, basil, eggplant, three varieties of kale, lettuces, swiss chard brussels sprouts, onions leeks, beets, broccoli, winter squash, potatoes, rutabaga, radishes, turnips, several varieties of carrots, snow and snap peas, beans and more. We still have a few more beds worth of transplants to find homes for, and more yet to seed for fall and rotational crops!
Over here on our 12 acres, we have started a perennial patch with rhubarb, and herbs, with the intention of eventually having on farm pickup here with the oppurtunity for members to harvest some of their own items. We are currently working on baby steps restoring the barn and farm house, and a processing area/ cooler here. We also got our few blueberries in the ground, transplanting some of the black berries (for next year's harvest) and have most of the acreage awaiting certification (next spring!) cover cropped with wheat and clover. We invested in some strawberry plants this spring for next year's harvest. While we buy strawberries from Joseph Gingerich for shares, we plan to be offering our own NEXT year, along with our own asparagus, which came back and is growing lovely in our fields one more year before we can start harvesting in earnest from our 8 beds.
Any workshare members interested in starting hours, please contact us- there's lots of trellising of tomatoes that we need to get done! We do ask that you give us a few days notice so we can plan around having the extra help, and sorry, but Thursdays will never be a workshare day, as Travis is delivering and I'm at the Oswego Market.
We encourage members and their families to come check out our farm anytime, again, please give advanced notice, as we work from two different locations, there's no telling where we'll be!
Keep an eye out for your drop site specific email later this week, and the 1st week's newsletter next Wed, and don't forget to pick up your share Thursday (or Saturday) and get ready to eat some great organic goodness for the next 22 weeks.
Thank you for supporting our farm for the 2015 season- it started out weird with lots of snow and sub freezing temps, more snow at the end of April, then dry heat waves and frosts. But all the plants are healthy, happy and ready to produce, the pests seem to be kept at bay (save for the woodchucks) so far.
Season 2 here we go- and we wouldn't be able to do it without the support of our members, thank you!