With the dry start to the season we've gotten the irrigation going for our field plantings of beets, radishes, peas, beans, mustard greens, arugula, carrots dandelion greens, kale, swiss chard, lettuces and rutabaga. We're planning on getting the rest of our onions and potatoes in the ground this week; so if any workshare folks would like to start their hours this week transplanting, get in touch with us to plan.
Markets: Our new spot at the Syracuse Regional Market is back outside shed E on the North end, two spots up from where we were last year, in case you've had a hard time finding us since the spots changed the first week of May. Oswego Market starts Thursday May 28th and we are doing a new market at the Cicero Library, Tuesdays; 3-7pm and that starts Tuesday May 26th.
The deadline is fast approaching to sign up for your CSA shares- May 18th, so if you've put it off, please keep that in mind.
We will be sending emails out to all members at the end of May pertaining to drop site info, times etc. Also a reminder that if you have not made a payment for your share by June first we will not be harvesting your share for you that week.
We hope everyone is enjoying their spring season, and gearing up to start eating some great organic veggies this summer!
Back out to the fields to keep on planting and spend some time with the family!