A pumpkin pie cooking in the oven made from pumpkins we grew. ( I fondly recall the day we started the pumpkin and winter squash seeds with help from our friend Colleen and her 4 year daughter, Quinn. Planting them out in the field, weeding, watching them grow and ripen, and harvesting.) Our pumpkin pie wouldn't be complete without fresh ginger from Main Street Farms and maple syrup From Red School House Rd Maple. A turkey soaking in brine from Grindstone Farm ( we raised as fuzzy little polts for them) apples from our friends at Lake Bluff Honeybee farm baked into a pie. Our CNY community is blessed to live among such bounty and hard work.
We are grateful for the community of farms that surround us making such holiday feasts available. We are thankful for organizations, such as The Eastern Farm Worker's Association and Food Bank of CNY who's efforts in conjunction with local farms feed hundreds of local families throughout the year and for the holidays. And endless gratitude is owed to those who see and support the importance of a diverse sustainable foodshed. Without the demand the supply would not be there!
Doing morning chores before going the rounds to share good food with our families, the green house fogs my glasses (and camera lens) at a balmy 70 degrees while the ground is frozen in the shade just outside; we have been blessed by a mild fall to continue harvesting from with more great green for our table and yours!
As we celebrate the harvest and family, remember those who lovingly raised the food on your table. Those who worked long hours in rain and scorching heat, bitter cold and mud knee deep. Those who got pricked by the brambles and kissed by the sun, those who will do it again all over again for the love of the Harvest.
From our family to yours- a very Happy Thanksgiving!