One of the things that has been keeping us busy waiting on the weather to dry up some more field space to keep planting has been our barn. We are focusing on infrastructure heavily this spring as we move away entirely from leasing space at our friends up the road, and utilizing the space we have. Being farmers isn't merely dirt and seeds, but also a plethora of other more behind the scene jobs that go into bringing the harvest in. Mechanic, carpenter, sales rep, web designer, custom fabricator, writer, advertising agent, master mathematician, plumber, accountant, boss, teacher, to name a few of the hats Travis and I wear throughout the year. Most any jobs that need to be done, are ones we do our ourselves, to keep our overhead low and to utilize our other areas of expertise to make things run smoothly. Occasionally we recruit the help of experts in the way of electric and welding, both of which we are learning more of the more we do them. Occasionally I do get writers block and it doesn't help when the internet keeps dropping out either!
Much time has been put into the cooler (which is all set for the next step with a hvac expert), barn and new greenhouse; there has been some windows for field work to get some beds of lettuce, kale, swiss chard, peas, spinach, mustards, and arugula planted in the field along with crops in the greenhouse and high tunnel. Early spring crops who don't mind a bit of a chill. Asparagus is popping up, albeit slowly due to the cooler temps and cloudy skies. Once we have soil dry enough to work, our next big planting will be onions, potatoes, and broccoli, and direct seeded carrots and beets.
Before we know it the season will be well underway with our first market starting this past Saturday in Syracuse and our first spring CSA shares going out this week. We still have summer shares available for new members as well. The greenhouses are almost filled to maximum capacity with seedlings awaiting their home in the ground and to make room for winter squash seedlings.
While we await a nice stretch of dry days for get out to the fields we'll be in the barn working towards an inviting functional space for employees and customers. It may not look like much now, but it's on its way.