We have just completed our loan application for a high tunnel, and can't wait to break ground on that project.
To give a general idea of what to expect in shares this season, here is a list in no particular order:
Arugula, beets, broccoli, swiss chard, kale, collards, kohlrabi, nappa cabbage, green and purple beans, snow peas, zucchini, patty pan, cucumbers, peppers- hot and sweet, asian greens, leeks melons.
Heirloom tomatoes, and cherries-including sungolds, paste tomatoes, eggplant, onions, winter squashes, brussels sprouts, lettuces, mustard greens, spinach, tomatillos, pie pumpkins, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, turnips, radishes, celery,
herbs- basil, dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme, chives...
and much more!
Travis and I will be heading to Wisconsin this week for another sustainable farming conference (MOSES), while delivering a couple root washers for Grindstone Farm. The lineup of workshops and adventure of travelling through the next Polar Vortex half way across the country should prove to very educational.
I have set back my seeding schedule around this event, and will start seeding many crops first thing in March. I will be trying on a large scale this season doing much of my plantings by the moon. This is an age old method of planting, and is the core of biodynamic agriculture. So much of the natural cycles of the earth are centered around the moon phases, and the simple science behind it is convincing enough.
We are looking forward to Dick and Vic's return from their vacation, and spring!
The blank canvas of late winter: