We also have pickling cucumbers for sale b y the 1/2 bushel on our online store to be delivered with your CSA share, and just started picking our paste tomatoes and heirloom slicers, and likely will be offering them bulk as they come on more.
Some of of might be thinking that you have more than enough veggies and why would I order more?! If you're feeling overwhelmed with the abundance, consider preserving some of the crops to enjoy when the weather turns colder. Freezing is a simpler way of preserving your veggies than canning (and much more forgiving in the heat.)
We are in a hiatus on lettuce for the next couple weeks, which we know some of you might be relieved to see, and others might not. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a summer salad with your veggies. here are a couple recipe ideas for simple cold salads using this week's harvest. Cucumber fennel salad, Tomato basil salad,
and a sweet bread and butter pickle recipe to make use of of all those cucumbers (you can also try using the summer squash to make these as well!)
This week's share contents are as follows:
Small Shares: Pickling and slicing cucumbers, sweet onions, summer squash, sweet peppers, fennel, basil, and fresh carrots.
Regular shares: Same as small shares, but larger quantities and minus the sweet peppers, with heirloom tomatoes, broccoli, and swiss chard in addition.
We hope everyone is enjoying their veggies. We are almost 1/2 way through the summer season already and expect to see many more tomatoes, peppers eggplant and a beautiful onion harvest in the coming weeks.