We hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. Our 4th included harvesting, weeding, and emptying both of our wells irrigating. (We did get some family fun and fireworks mixed in, so it wasn't all work.) This season has brought most of the state of NY to a rating of abnormally dry to moderate drought according to the weather man, but we don't need the weather man to know how dry it has been. I don't recall such a dry hot summer since 2012. But looking at all the flooding that's been going on all over the country so far this summer, we count our blessings. And we've been lucky to have gotten some of the little rain that's passed over some of our other fellow farmers. We also have some really good soils with lots of organic matter and high clay content that has held that little bit of moisture. The good part about all this dryness is good for really killing the weeds, compared to last year when it seemed like it rained almost every day of June, making weeding a futile endeavor. And the heat is favoring the sweet potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. There is rain in the forecast for Thursday, so we ask that everyone do a little rain dance for us this week!
Last week we welcomed a new farm hand to the farm. His name is Rich is and he is a farmer from Florida, who owns Earthperks Farm, a small organic farm in Southern Florida. We are excited to exchange knowledge and share the workload with him while he's here over the next few weeks in his down season. He even brought us some eggplant, while our's here is just beginning to blossom.
Many crops are loving this heat, such as the melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes; they are wanting for more water, but otherwise putting their roots nice and deep sucking up nutrients and moisture. Other crops such as lettuce wants to bolt (flower) in this heat, so everyone will be getting two heads in this week's shares. We started harvesting summer squash and broccoli this week, and while there won't enough for everyone this week, it looks like there will for next week.
We will be adding extras to the website this week for folks to place orders by Thursday, for the coffee from Backdrop Organics, organic teas from the Little Tea Cart, and pastured whole chickens from Flying Opossumme Farm. It doesn't take much more than finding the time in the office over the fields to get to, and I will be making time so that you all have the chance to try some of these great products from local producers.
This week's shares are as follows:
Small Shares: 2 lettuces, Kale, garlic scapes, radishes
Regular Shares: 2 lettuce, garlic scapes, radishes, dandelion greens, swiss chard, and broccoli or summer squash