As we head into our third season here on the farm and get closer to the Winter Solstice and new year, we are still harvesting, both out of the field and the greenhouses. The lilacs have leaf buds, the strawberries have blossoms, garlic's popping up, and the crocuses are starting to sprout. Usually this time of year the farm goes into quasi-hibernation mode, but with the new greenhouse's heat set up and the mild weather we've had, we've been keeping busy! (I'd like to think the land's predecessors are blessing our enterprise this December.)
Our gift to our 2015 Members:
We are still at the Syracuse Regional Market through the 26th of December, (in shed F) and we have plenty of carrots, lettuces, brussel sprouts, kale, turnips, potatoes, garlic and more still available for your holiday meals. As a thank you to our 2015 CSA members, we'd like to offer you a $3 dollar credit at our booth, this Saturday, Dec 19. Stop by the market booth and let us know who you are- if you're on our list of 2015 members you'll get $3 worth of veggies free as our gift to our 2015 CSA members. No other purchase necessary- this is our gift to you! Grab one of our flyers to share while you're there and give the gift of local organic vegetables!
From the Farm Family to your's we wish you all the warmth of good company and good food this holiday season.